Free chemdoodle
Free chemdoodle

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Take full advantage of the upcoming HTML5 technologies with ChemDoodle. Build ChemDoodle Web Components for use in interactive and educational websites. Found something missing? Tell us and we can add it. ChemDoodle contains all of the features you would expect from the most professional software and more. Incredibly convenient and no need to save separate files. Embed your data into Microsoft Office, Mac OS X applications, OpenOffice and others. ChemDoodle can also parse IUPAC names into structures. Generate IUPAC names for drawn structures. Calculate many descriptors and properties, from molecular formulas and masses, to melting and boiling points, to bond distance matrices and isotopic distributions. Cleaning tools allow you to easily produce the best figures. Build reactions with powerful arrow tools and drag and drop interfaces. Visualize, measure and calculate with easy to use tools. ChemDoodle 3D is included to generate high quality, fully customizable 3D graphics. ChemDoodle supports spectroscopy input and can simulate mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The graphics in ChemDoodle are of the highest quality, we urge you to compare them to other similar software tools.

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Learn why thousands of institutions in over 80 countries choose ChemDoodle. ChemDoodle began as a quality and affordable chemical sketcher, and has since become the most powerful chemical publishing tool in the industry, supporting all platforms and with extensions to web browsers and mobile devices.

Free chemdoodle